Unleash the Inner ALPHA

Discover the Formula to Become The Ideal you®

Welcome to Alchemy Men's Group Coaching

Are you ready to take control of your life and become the best version of yourself? Look no further. 

The 8 Most Common Problems Men Are Facing:

Mindset:  Lack of Confidence

Lifestyle: No balance and feel as though they don't have enough time

Performance:  Worried they aren't good enough or feel stuck 

Career: Lacking passion or not seeing advancement

Social:  Lonely and seeking a tribe or social circle

Romance:  Disappointed with dating and seeking companionship

Health & Fitness: Lack of energy and not liking what they see in the mirror

Purpose:  Am I living up to my potential? Wanting to make a bigger impact

*Spaces are limited - Secure Your Spot Now!*

The Benefits of Program

At Alchemy, we believe that anyone can become an alpha male with the right guidance and mindset. Our proven techniques and strategies will help you develop the key traits of alpha males, including:

"Anyone can produce extraordinary results with the right plan and disciplines, the key is designing a life that inspires you!"

-Brett Baughman

Brett Baughman

Voted by Apple News as the Top Business Coach to work with, Brett Baughman has spent the last two decades helping high performing executives and entrepreneurs advance to the next level of success by guiding them to uncover blind spots that limit their potential.  

*Spaces are limited - Secure Your Spot Now!*


It’s time to experience a new level of success!

If you want to be the best at what you do, you need a powerful team beside you. Time and time again, the most successful entrepreneurs, athletes, world leaders and entertainers proclaim that working with a coach was a vital ingredient in their formula for success.

Everyone from Steve Jobs (Apple) to Oprah Winfrey have sought council with a trusted advisor who can help them think differently and challenge them to keep growing.

As an entrepreneur, you are faced with numerous problems daily and your ability to be flexible and make intelligent strategic decisions is paramount. As your coach, I provide you with support, accountability, a fresh perspective and new ideas to inspire you to perform at your highest level.

You are investing in yourself; your future and your potential.


"When you're ready to discover the next level of success... give me a call!"

*Spaces are limited - get your tickets now!*

“WHY Alchemy”

Welcome to Alchemy, where we believe in the transformative power of collective growth. Our men’s group coaching program is not just another offering; it’s a movement towards personal and communal evolution.

Why did I create this men’s group coaching program? Because I recognized a profound need in the modern world for men to come together, to support one another, to challenge each other, and to grow together. In today’s fast-paced and often disconnected society, men are facing unique challenges that demand a space where they can openly explore, share, and thrive.

This program isn’t about fixing something that’s broken; it’s about enhancing what’s already there. It’s about tapping into the vast potential within each man and providing the tools, support, and community to unleash it fully.

Men’s group coaching isn’t just about individual progress; it’s about creating a brotherhood, a network of support and accountability that extends far beyond the confines of our sessions. It’s about fostering deep connections, genuine friendships, and unwavering encouragement.

In this program, we dive deep into the core aspects of what it means to be a man in today’s world – from relationships and career to health and mindset. We tackle the tough questions, confront the uncomfortable truths, and celebrate the victories, big and small, along the way.

I created this program because I believe that together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone. I believe in the power of vulnerability, the strength in solidarity, and the beauty of shared growth. And most importantly, I believe that every man deserves a tribe that sees him, hears him, and empowers him to become the best version of himself.

So if you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and brotherhood, I invite you to join us. Together, let’s redefine what it means to be men – strong, compassionate, and unstoppable.

Welcome to Alchemy. Welcome home.


Program Overview:

Don’t wait any longer to unleash your inner alpha. Join us today and start transforming your life for the better. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out on your journey, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

*Spaces are limited - get your tickets now!*

Are you ready to become the alpha male you were meant to be? 

 If you’re inspired by what you’ve read then book a consultation and let’s discuss how I can help you advance to the next level of success in your life!



